
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Snow globe postcards

After seeing this idea for Snow globe postcards on this great website ....

I thought it would be fun for my class to create their own as part of our learning about the Olympics last year. The students chose a country that was competing in the Olympics and researched that country. They then had to write a postcard to friends or family back home pretending they were having a holiday in their chosen country.
For the front of the postcard they created a snow globe effect by drawing a picture representing their country, then adding a layer of clear plastic (I cut up the pages from an old clear file). This was filled with glitter and stars, then the top cover was stuck on with the snow globe shape cut out of it.

I displayed their writing by giving each student a sheet of bright A4 paper with a small peg hot glue gunned onto it- this worked really well as the kids could take their postcards off to read each others or show their parents.

I'm going to use this writing display idea again this year but this time I'm going to give them a blank sheet of white A4 card with a frame on it and the students can decorate and personalise their frames before adding the peg on (will share pics when done).

Monday, January 16, 2017

Romero Britto Art

As part of our Olympics/Rio learning last year I introduced my Year 4 class to the art of Brazilian pop artist Romero Britto. They loved his style of art and enthusiastically created their own art works 'Britto' style.
Hare are two You Tube clips I showed my class...

Romero Britto Bio

How to create your own Romero Britto art work

This clip is great too!

DIY Paper Crafts

The school I teach in has an 'Adventure Time' programme in two terms of each year (a little bit like 'clubs' from when we were kids if you wre lucky to have that at your school. Teachers get to choose what they would like to do based on their interests and strengths, and the children get to choose which group they would like to join. In 2015 as a parent (my kids go to the school I teach at) I volunteered to take a group- I called it 'Home Sweet Home' and it was all about sewing and embroidery- see post here

Last year as a teacher this time I took a group of children keen on crafting again but this time it was paper crafts. Here are some of the things my group of Year 3- 6 children made.

Paper mache bowls

Tissue paper art works

Gift tags and gift boxes

Flower cards and decorated envelopes

Snail mail :)


Sunday, January 15, 2017


Year 5/6 class-  5 weeks 2016
This was a fantastic topic-so many rich and relevant learning experiences, and lots of ways to get creative as well. The students loved sewing these penguin softies and were so proud of them.  They also created pastel penguin art works and water colour penguin art works.  Highlights included creating kahoot quizzes about Antarctica, researching their own topics of interest related to Antarctica, learning all about survival stories of Shackleton and Mawson, and learning about the race to the South Pole. This was the first time I had taught 'Antarctica' and it is now one of my favourite topics!



Mothers Day cards and gift

Last year I taught a lovely class of Year 5/6 for 5 weeks while their teacher took long service leave. During this time it was Mothers Day so I taught the students how to make their own stamps for wrapping paper, and how to make the little 3D flower bouquet cards. 
To make the stamps we used a milk bottle lid and some sheets of thin foam (
The children cut out their chosen shape from the foam, then glued it onto the lid to make the stamp. 
To make the ink pads just get some cheap plastic take away style containers with lids, place a sponge in each one and squeeze in some acrylic paint- enough to soak the sponge. The lids mean you can store the 'ink pads' for future use! The students used their stamps to print onto A3 paper to make their very own wrapping paper. 

For the gift we made bath salts- all you need is some rock salt, epsom salts and lavender oil- mix together and place into small bags. 

The cards were made using a piece of green scrapbooking paper folded concertina style into a bouquet, with little flowers cut out of coloured card stuck on. 
The students really enjoyed this activity and the mums appreciated it too from what I heard!