
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bath time reminiscing, new 'Baby by Earthwise' products...and a giveaway

When we had our first baby Amelie 6 and a half years ago I read Gina Ford's 'Contented Baby' book- a little bit of it when I was pregnant, and a lot after I had Amelie. She recommended a bedtime routine of feeding baby around 5, then doing the bath, then feeding baby again around 7. So we did as the book said and it seemed to work with us even though Amelie screamed blue murder from the second she was taken out of the bath until she was fully dressed but we kept it going because it was a way to keep her up for a bit longer before 'bedtime' and hey maybe the screaming wore her out so much she went to sleep easily...who knows but she was a good night sleeper from reasonably early on! So we stuck with that routine for her, and then for Stella and then Jack as well.  Probably because to be honest we were scared to change anything as whatever we were doing seemed to be working but also it is nice to have them all clean and smelling good at least once in the day! It's taken a lot of effort over the years, we have hardly ever missed them having a bath, I remember getting to a bach for a holiday when Amelie was about 6 months old and the hot water hadn't heated up in time for bath time so we filled up a plastic container using the kettle just so she could have her bath...I laugh now that we bothered -we must have really been paranoid that if she didn't have her bath she would somehow not sleep well all night! Anyway now that all 3 are older we still do the bath every night, it is the only time Jack is clean in the day and the 3 of them do have a good time in there most nights. There are certainly a lot of times when we really can't be bothered but I guess the routine is so ingrained in them now they just automatically get ready for the bath after dinner so they would probably spin out if we said no bath tonight (well Jack would anyway!) It's a hectic/loud/crazy time in our house and we are looking forward to them just being able to jump in the shower but I bet we'll still miss their little faces all squeezed in the bath together too :)

So when Hayley from Earthwise contacted me about reviewing some of the new plant based Earthwise Baby products I jumped at the chance- I already use their lavender laundry powder which I love. And I like that they are NZ based, environmentally friendly and have been around a while now- Earthwise was actually started 45 years ago! So here are the goodies I was sent to try out- the
Baby bath wash, Baby shampoo, Baby bubble bath, hair detangler, sleep spray, baby soap, plus some samples of their other soaps, bathroom and general use wipes, and their laundry and whitening powder.

From the Baby by Earthwise press release "Earthwise has developed their new range to be gentle on the skin, the result leaves skin and hair feeling divine with the love and nourishment Mother Nature intended.  The products are also gentle on the environment, all ingredients in Earthwise products are ethically and sustainably sourced, carefully selected to provide gentle natural cleaning properties while maintaining our earth. Baby by Earthwise is free from parabens, artificial colouring, toxic petrochemicals and laurel sulphates, it’s not tested on animals and made in New Zealand."

The kids loved the bubble bath- I don't actually use bubble bath very often so this was a treat for them, well until there were tears about who had the most bubbles and arguing over who got to sit in a certain place in the bath to get the most bubbles...but as bubble bath goes it has a nice subtle scent, plenty of bubbles and is a good price for the amount in the container- $7.49 at Countdown for 275mls
The bath wash and shampoo were great too, again a nice subtle scent, cute containers and a reasonable price for the amount you get.
The hair detangler has a been a big hit- I mentioned on Facebook that I went hunting for this a while ago and could only find one with a very strong strawberry scent so this one is much nicer!
The sleep spray was popular with the kids as they liked spraying their pillowcases themselves although they did go a bit crazy with it and ended up with rather damp pillowcases! It would be nice to freshen up a baby's bassinet or cot sheets or even the actual bedroom.
So all in all I will definitely be buying these products in the future, on price alone they are the same if not cheaper than what I normally buy, and much cuter too!

So if you would like to win your own pack of Earthwise baby products just leave a comment here or over on my Facebook page either telling me what you do for bathtime in your family or just leave a comment saying you'd like to win the prize- but be quick... you've got until midday tomorrow- Friday 27th Sep to leave your comment. This giveaway is for NZ readers only sorry. I will be giving the winners details to Hayley at Earthwise and she will be sending out your prize :)


  1. I love the look of these and would love to try them- they'd make cute stocking stuffers too : )

  2. Ooohhh, I've seen this at the supermarket and would love to try this. We're the same as you - dinner at 5.00pm, bath at 6.00pm and lights out at 7.00pm. I agree that a nice warm bath is a good signal that it's night time. And, I love that Maisie is sitting up unaided now and the girls can bath together :)

  3. Wow, it's great to know Earthwise have this range available! We often do our bath routine before dinner and every second night. Our girls have always LOVED their baths, from the moment they had their first in small dolls' baths in their incubators (so cute!). Now we have our little man with us so I'm currently figuring out the best routine to get ourselves into. He's also a water baby too so I'm sure they'll have great fun together when he's old enough to join them :) I'd LOVE to win this fantastic package! Thanks for the opportunity :)

  4. OH! Yes please! We were given a LOAD of Johnsons baby shampoo, way too much to handle, so secretly I use that when I'm filling up the bath to make some bubbles. They don't last too long, but it's something to 'try' make it fun.

    I love the sound of the smelly spray thingee :)

  5. I would love to try these for my three kids. My hubby is in charge of bath time which usually consists of showers and toys or a bath, bubbles and heaps of splashing!

  6. Great giveaway Megan! I love the sound of the Pillow Spray and think that a certain little man will quite enjoy it too! We don't have a bath at the moment - just a shower but I do have a paddling pool so am considering summer outdoor baths for Mr Mischief who loves water play!

  7. Yes please Megan, we've never lived in a place with a bath since we've had the boys so lots of tub washing and showers but they love bubble baths whenever they go to my mums place and I'd love to have some for there

  8. we shower in the mornings, which has the awesome side effect of bubble baths being a weekend 'treat' one earns via the reward chart! baths are very deep, exceedingly bubbly and rather raucous and not at all sleep inducing!
    funny the husband came back from the supermarket tonight and told me he'd seen hippo eco bubble bath and we thought that bubble bath liquid itself would make a good reward!

  9. Oh lovely stuff. Mine mostly take showers these days but have a bath maybe once a week. And they still fit in the bath together despite their long legs.

  10. I love love love Earthwise! Almost every cleaning/washing product in our house is Earthwise - shampoo/conditioner, laundry powder, stain removal spray, dishwasher powder, and the list goes on! I just noticed these products in the supermarket the other day, so I'm looking forward to trying them. They are one of the only products that my sensitive skin doesn't react to - and I love that it's made in NZ! I'd love to win some! :)

  11. Funny I just got the detangler the other day, and to be honest HOW did I live without it, its smells so nice and makes hair time so much easier...would love the try the bed spray too :)

  12. Sounds like an awesome new range from a great company :)

  13. I saw this in the supermarket the other day and thought I would like to try it. I think I am the same as you - my 9 month old never misses bath time straight after dinner. He loves it


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