
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Green Fingers for kids

Isn't this the cutest little packet of seeds! I signed my toddler up to the Daltons Kids Club and every season there is a newsletter in the mail and for her birthday a little gardening treat. This year it was these neat carrot 'Seedsticks' ; last year she received some cherry tomatoes seeds, a little bag of potting mix and some tomato fertiliser.  The newsletter has lots of gardening information, recipes and craft ideas and a colouring -in picture. 
To sign up you can email your child's details to

A friend gave my toddler this cute card from Cherish Child a while ago- the bear is made from seeded paper which you can plant directly into your garden!
And here is a great kids gardening website 

Happy autumn gardening with your little ones!

1 comment:

  1. how cool that all is
    off to look at the sites
    thanks for letting us about these


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