
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DIY kids art for christmas

Here's a crafty idea I got from a teacher years ago using your child's hands and footprints to make a christmas reindeer picture. This is a great way to keep a record of their little hands and feet and something to bring out each christmas to see how much they have grown!

You'll need
*some craft paper or card or even plain red and brown paper/card.
(If you are doing this with older children like I did yesterday at school you could just use plain white paper and they colour in the foot and the hands themselves- keeps them busy yay!)
*scissors, glue stick, pencil, black marker

1. Trace around your child's hands and one foot ( just go around all their toes, not each toe- see pic below)
2. Cut out the two hands and the foot and then draw and cut out a nose and an eye like this.
3. Stick on a plain piece of card like this.
You could reduce this on a colour photocopier and make christmas cards or gift tags too!

Happy crafting!


  1. I love it! that's this afternoon's craft session with miss four. x

  2. That's so original and cute. Love it.

  3. That's so cute, Megan. Another great idea!

  4. This is just too gorgeous!!

  5. Love love love! All my cards are written for this year....except maybe I could make one for baby's dad!

  6. Very cool! My kids will love doing this one. Have you done the Christmas tree version? You cut out lots of hands in green, then layer them pointing downwards into a Christmas tree shape (if you can imagine that - it looks like the layers of the tree). Decorate it up with pens, glitter, stickers etc, and cut out a trunk for the base.

  7. ...and you can make a Christmas wreath using their handprints. Either get them to print their hands and cut them out or trace round their hands on lots of different green paper (I've done it using magazine pages with mostly green colours to be environmentally friendly), cut out, then arrange in a wreath shape on either a circle of card or a paper plate. Tie a red paper bow and hang up. Looks way cool!


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