
Going Green

On this page you'll find links to some of the things I've done to make my home more eco-friendly as well as links to blogs, books and recipe's that help with my 'going greener' journey as well.

Green cleaning

Cleaning paste and laundry powder

Dishwasher powder recipe

Lip balm

Baby bath wash

Baby wipes recipe

Shou Frou's

My 'going green' goals for 2011 so far
-get the worm bin going again
-use cloth nappies in the day more than disposables 
-grow lettuce throughout the year
-use an eco- bag when out shopping 
-make and use homemade cleaning products 
-grow winter vege's

Inspiring books
A Home Companion by Wendyl Nissen
Domestic Goddess on a Budget by Wendyl Nissen
Live Well, Spend Less by Sophie Gray
Spotless by Shannon Lush

Inspiring websites, blogs and magazines
Wendyl's Green Goddess
Good magazine