Yep, my computer's hard drive ironically decided to choose this week- the week I was finally going to print and sort out out all my photo's from last year- to crash and die with no files to recover. So now I have my laptop back with a new hard drive and absolutely nothing on it which was pretty devastating on the day it happened (Tuesday) but I'm now pretty much over it, probably because it was completely my fault for not backing up anything on my computer and not printing photo's. So if there's anything to be learnt (I'll be like those people caught by the police on TV shows like Police ten7 and Motorway Patrol that lecture you the minute they are caught about the evils of drugs, alcohol and speeding) and tell you that for the sake of a $150 back up hard drive it's probably worth the money! I thought they were about $500 ( I have no idea why I thought that, don't know why I didn't just go into the Apple store here and find out last year like my hubby kept telling me to do...) but photo's really are priceless and irreplaceable so I'm buying a back up device tomorrow!
Anyway, this weeks organising project is a bit of a failure sorry- no inspiration from me except maybe the urge to go buy yourselves a backup device or print some photo's!!
Luckily I did start uploading the first half of last years photo's to Snapfish so I only lost half a year of pics which I am still sad about but I guess it could have been worse if I had lost the whole year (just trying to make myself feel better as I sure was beating myself up about it on Tuesday!)
Anyway, if you have been on to it and printing photo's or thinking about displaying some on the walls in your home I came across this great post the other day with inspiring ideas for displaying family photo's.

The winner of last week's puzzle bag prize (from last week's Kids Toys challenge) is Dee, check out her organising here.
No prize this week sorry due to my complete failure of this week's project but next week's project will be a goodie, well for me anyway! It's "'The Nursery/Getting ready for Baby". My hubby has finished painting it this week so next week is all about getting the bassinet put together, sorting out clothes and baby stuff, a bit of decorating and a few other things I need to do.
Thanks for visiting and hope to see you next week with a much more inspiring post I hope!
Megan x
PS: Had a really fab night on Tuesday at our 'Crafty Stitchers' first evening. It was so lovely to chat, see some crafty crochet and knitting projects happening, share a few tips and have a lot of laughs. Looking forward to the next one already!
PPS: I had some good news this week after my computer drama...a kind friend from my teaching days has given me her old overlocker! She read my post about making the puzzle bags using pinking shears and she is also is doing a bit of decluttering herself so I'm now the proud owner of her old overlocker. Does anyone have one of these?
I have absolutely no idea how to use it but am going to get it serviced and then get a friend to show me how to get started- exciting! Thanks so much Sue :)
Ohmigosh that is TERRIBLE about your hard drive! I too have been 'talking' about backing up for ages and am def going to go and buy one this weekend and declutter my iphoto too. Yay for the overlocker, overlockers R O C K !! Have a happy day :-)
who me? i won something?? hurrah! thank you xO
and yes, i nod "i know, i know" with the back up hard drive thing...and my laptop is only moments away from complete crash too...and i still don't 'get around to it'. bad, bad me. :(
again, THANK YOU!! :) :)
My Mum has one absolutely identical to your lovely new overlocker! It is about as old as I am but still goes like a trojan. What a fabulous gift! Have fun with it.
This is something I wouldn't even think to do...thankfully hubby is a more on to it person than me, he brought such a device mid last year to back everything up.
I would be devastated to lose such precious memories as photos, they are so irreplacable but at least you have the opportunity to create new ones.
I have been contemplating getting an overlocker but they scare me!!
That's one of my fears, losing photos. everything else is pretty much replaceable, but not those! What backup drive did you end up getting for your Mac size-wise? I have an older one that isn't quite large enough and have been wondering about getting something larger.
Oh Megan, that's so tragic! I use flickr now too, I try to remember to put all my new albums on there, but sometimes forget so I'm sure there's a whole bunch that have slipped through the cracks... Have you asked around all your family and friends for their pics of your family? I know it's not the same...
Yeah, my macbook was groaning under the pressure of thousands of photos, and was constantly threatening to crash and die. I ended up buying a new one on HP before it did so, because I'm writing at the moment, and apart from the tragedy of losing photos, I just don't think I could cope with losing my manuscript! And I'm pretty slack about backing that up to, it's terrible.
Anyway, I'm really sorry to hear that news, but very excited to hear that you are pregnant!! Are you? I totally missed that news, but very very cool if you are!
God, that sucks. going to back my phonebook up right now.
Oh, poor you - that is a horrible feeling (we've had 2 ( or maybe 3) hard drive failures in the last five or six years - I end up too scared to remove photos from our camera disk, and really need to make a better system (we save to DVDs, but that always means a bunch of photos are "at risk" till we burn the next one...)
I'm building my way up to joining your organised home challenge (hope I start before you're finished!
So sorry to hear about your photos. I accidently deleted half of my mums NZ holiday photos one year and I was more devestated than she was. Great to hear that half the year was saved though. And thanks for the timely reminder - I'll check where we are up to with our backing up this weekend. Good luck getting the nursery ready :-)
Sorry to hear about the loss of your pics. I feel your pain!
You did, however, inspire me with my own little organised home project which I blogged about today:)
Hope you are keeping well...
my mac died too just when I started to back up all my pics. Lucky very little was lost but I was a bit gutted at losing the digital files in case I wanted to print something again. Lesson learned the hard way :(
This happened to me about 2 years ago. We lost all the pictures of our daughter from age 8-11 mos. All of them. Except maybe 3 that I'd put online/emailed to family. I am still devastated. We did buy an external hard-drive, but to be honest...I haven't backed up any pics from the new computer yet. I really need to do that. We did back-up all the pics we'd recovered (birth-8mos; 11-13 mos). It's such a huge part of her little baby life to lose. Videos, pictures, everything.
Wow, an overlocker! You said it out loud and it came true! Have fun learning about it, how exciting. You can try for sewing machine and overlocker manuals that are not too expensive.
So sad to hear about your photo's - what a bum! We bought one of those back up drives but I have not finished moving photo's to it so clearly need to learn from your lesson. At least you saved half a years.
Have a lovely weekend,
J x
Jump on the overlocker! You'll never look back! Even I can use one. I love it. Seriously, turn it on now!
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