A few years ago a friend that lives in Japan sent me a few rolls of 'washi tape' (it was also called Kozo tape for a while back when it was newish to New Zealand.) I hadn't heard of it before but quickly realised how awesome it was and since then I use it nearly every week for something either crafty or for my home. I use it for nearly all of my gift wrapping...

I love using it to label things like plastic containers for a school bake sale and to decorate things like these tin can telephones I shared on my blog back in 2010. http://domesticblissnz.blogspot.co.nz/2010/10/my-creative-space-kids-stuff.html

I use it to stick the kids art works to my pantry cupboards, I nearly always put a roll of it in my mousehouse giveaways and the kids love using it to make pictures and decorate things- we made some washi tape stick people a few school holidays ago after seeing this cute project on pinterest from this clever crafter- http://
Washi tape is essentially semi transparent paper tape that sticks to anything but can be easily peeled off and re stuck. The major appeal of it is all the gorgeous colours and patterns you can buy it in. I have always bought mine online as I have never seen it in any shops here in Tauranga so it was with great excitement that I received an email from the people working with Scotch® to help market their new brand of tapes called Scotch® Expression Tapes, which includes not just Washi tape but also Scotch® packaging tape, a gorgeous matte sellotape called Scotch® Magic Tape and Scotch® Masking Tape and you can buy it from Warehouse Stationery and anywhere else that sells Scotch® tape.
Here are the tapes at Warehouse Stationery Tauranga. I was dying to tidy them up a bit before I took the photo but had all three kids with me which was not conducive to great photographs!
There's even superhero tape!
I don't often get asked to work with companies to promote products on my blog but it is very cool when you get asked to promote a product you already know and love using and really fits with my blog. So for the next few weeks I'm going to be taking part in the Scotch® Expressions Tape "Make it Amazing" promotion and sharing heaps of ideas and crafts using their new range of tapes- I'll also be giving away packs of the new tapes every week from now until end of Jan!
Another exciting aspect to the promotion is that on the Scotch® Facebook page for Australia and New Zealand http://www.facebook.com/ScotchAustralia there is an app starting this week where you can upload your own Scotch® Expressions Tape creations and be in to win an i-pad mini! If you are wanting some ideas to occupy the kids for the rest of the holidays then a morning or two spent creating something using the tapes would be a fun way to spend some time don't you think- every time I get my washi tapes out the kids love playing with them.
Stella (4) made this pic as soon as I had the new tapes out of the box- She does have an addiction to sellotape and brings home creations absolutely covered in bottle tops, seeds, lids and anything else she can get her hands on at her daycare most days she is there so these tapes are perfect for her :)
So over the next few weeks here is what I will be sharing here and on my mousehouse Facebook Page...
* This week I'm introducing the promotion, sharing lots of creative ideas using washi tape and giving away the first Scotch® Expressions Tape Pack on my Facebook page. I've started a Pinterest Board with lots of ideas to get you started or inspire you using the tapes here... http://www.pinterest.com/megsmousehouse/i-love-washi-tape/
* Next week I have two fun blog posts to share using theScotch® Expressions Tape- one will be sharing lots of ideas for Kids Art and Craft and the other will be sharing some ideas for a Washi Tape kids craft class. One of my goals this year was to start Kids Craft classes so this will be my first one of the year! I'll be giving away another pack of tapes in this week as well.
* The week after that there will be two blog posts seeing as it's getting closer to school starting back- Using the tapes to decorate and organise your classroom (a post for all of you teachers out there that read my blog) and also a Back to School Ideas blog post.
* And finally when the kids are nearly back at school and you can start to sort out and reorganise your home I'll be sharing a post with ideas for Using washi tape at home.
So Like the Scotch® Australia and New Zealand Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ScotchAustralia
and join in the fun with the app on their website or Facebook page
Scotch® Expressions Tape "Make it Amazing"
and have fun creating!
Megan x
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