Joanna's 'Little Minx' blog is such a lovely place to visit with her beautiful photographs and craft projects. Her blog was one of the first that I came across, along with tinyhappy, Cat Taylor, Modern Make and Twenty Cent Mixture, that really inspired me to get into blogging and crafting.
I also bought some of these cute hair ties from Sarah at Songbird designs. It was neat to be able to choose my own fabrics for the hair ties from her huge collection of fabrics!
And I have just finished reading the latest issue of Extra Curricular magazine. I have had a rotten cold all weekend so at least I had something good to read. I finally got my hands on a copy of Amanda Blake Soule's Handmade Home from the library too- I've had it on reserve since January so it must be a really popular book.
Ooh and that reminds me- my lovely friend Rosie emailed me this website yesterday There are heaps of awesome craft books on there and it is free shipping worldwide!
And a random is a photo from Friday of Stella 'bum-shuffling' along the sand leaving a trail like a snail behind her! Our GP has told us she is most probably Hypotonic (low muscle tone) as she still cannot weight bear/ stand up even though she's one now. We have had her hips checked and they are fine thank goodness. We are going to a paediatrician next who will hopefully confirm that she is just Hypotonic and that she will get up and stand one day and not to worry about it!!!
Megan x
PS: Sunday night...

And thank you also to Kelly from Reclaiming Me and Katrina from KiwiStitching for nominating me too:)
Here are some bloggers I am going to nominate (I pretty much read every post they write) but its soooo hard to choose only 12 though as I read so many awesome blogs, especially on
Cat at Cat Taylor Design
Joanna at Little Minx
Jennie at A Little Vintage
Clare at Green Valley Crafts
Kelly at Reclaiming Me
Melissa at Tiny Happy
Sarah at Red Gingham
Jacqui at Hazelnuts
Sarah at Bobby Robbin
Heleen at Ruby in the Dust
Deb at Works in Progress
Lou at Seaside Siblings
Jess at Bambam Creative
Maddie at Lil Magoolie
Sarah at Songbird designs
ok a teeny bit more than 12...and thats just some of the kiwi blogs I read, I would be here all night if I made a list of all the aussie and other blogs I read!
Now all you have to do (if you want to of course!) is
1) say cheers to the person who nominated you
2) Copy the logo and place on your blog or in a blog post
3) Link to the person who nominated you
4) Pass it along to 12 other people
2) Copy the logo and place on your blog or in a blog post
3) Link to the person who nominated you
4) Pass it along to 12 other people
And back in Feb Christi nominated me for a beautiful blog award and I never got around to passing it on (sorry for being so slack Christi!) so here it is now. One of the things you have to do when you receive a beautiful blog award is write 7 interesting things about yourself so here goes...
*I could live without my mobile phone but not without my laptop
*I am hopeless at cooking and have never even made scrambled eggs
*Autumn is my favourite season
*In my second year of teaching I presented at a conference in Atlanta, USA about the use of ICT in the classroom, and we got to go to Paris, London and New York on the way home (feels like a million years ago now!)
*When I go to the beach I am covered in sand within about 30 seconds
*I've only been to the supermarket once in the last 3 months as I do all my grocery shopping online now
*In my second year of teaching I presented at a conference in Atlanta, USA about the use of ICT in the classroom, and we got to go to Paris, London and New York on the way home (feels like a million years ago now!)
*When I go to the beach I am covered in sand within about 30 seconds
*I've only been to the supermarket once in the last 3 months as I do all my grocery shopping online now
*I absolutely love french films, even though the subtitles are a bit tricky now that I'm trying to craft and watch at the same time!
Sarah at Purple Vibrations.
Too funny, I've just returned "Handmade Home" to the Tauranga library... you must've been after me on the reserves list.
I have a good friend who's little girl didn't stand up till she was 17 months and then didn't walk until 19 months, so I'm sure your little one will find her way in her time :o).
My first didn't walk til 16 months even though she pulled up at 9 months. My sisters little boy bum shuffled until he was 19 months, then just got up and ran... go figure! They all do it in their own time.
cool dog :)
neat hair ties
praying for Stella
Wow great buys! Pop over to my blog, I have a surprise for you. :o)x
hehe thank you Megan - pop over to my blog - you now have two sunshine awards (possibly more) but you certainly deserve them!
Very funny pic of Stella and the bum shuffle in the sand.
You definately deserve all the awards. Lots of sunshine coming your way.
Poor you with a cold! Craft books might make you feel a little bit better. Thanks for the book website tip off. I'm sure I can squeeze a vew more crafty books onto the bookshelf. Thanks for visiting my little blog and for your lovely comment. Hope all is well in your little slice of the world :)
thank you Megan! I am shocked that you don't cook or go to the grocery store. I like that:) Have a great day!
Thank you so much Megan! And congratulations on two lovely awards!!x
The bum shuffling pic is precious. All the best.
thank you!!!!!
Oh dear, here is another blogger award! I guess that's what happens when you have a great blog!!
Congrats, and I love reading your blog!
thank you so much for the sunshine award! I'm so sorry I haven't returned the favour yet, it's on my to-do list! xxx
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