Baby Thomas received his little rabbit today so here is a pic of the finished toy and some other goodies I included in the pressie- one of my toilet bags with some baby bath wash and little flannels. I ended up just stitching across the bottom instead of putting a circle at the bottom but I will try the circle shape next time when I'm feeling a bit braver!
And my swap partner from the Fox's Lane pin cushion swap, the lovely Selina from Selina's Vintage, received her pin cushion from me last week so I can put a few pics of it on now as well. I chose this pattern from here and it ended up being quite a bit trickier that I realised! Luckily I think the nice bright fabrics detracted from the numerous mistakes in the pin cushion! I sent one of my little zip purses too in the same fabric.
Well, I need to put my feet up now - have had a mad day of cleaning...instead of just doing a bit of housework each day I leave it for ages and then go crazy cleaning for an entire day in between baby/toddler tending to. Does anyone else do this?! Dusting, mopping, cleaning windows, vacuuming the car even!! Had to take the girls out for a walk once I'd finished so my hubby could walk in and actually see a tidy house for once before Amelie and Stella messed it up again!

Megan x
PS: tomorrow is the last day to enter my giveaway- anyone can enter...good luck!
PPS: have just seen the most gorgeous pin cushions ever by Sarah at Red Gingham- she is so clever!!
gorgeous! I got a little book out from the library with softie patterns I'm going to try out to give as little gifts =) I hope they turn out as good as yours!
P.S The pin cushion looks great, I don't know what you were worrying about haha xx
Yeah I do the crazy cleaning thing too. Had to do it on sunday because our house is on the market and we had people coming to see it. No matter how many times I convince myself that I can keep on top of it by just doing a little bit each day, crafting always wins over housework.
Lucky little Thomas! Love the little bunny...I tried him a few days ago and he was huge...did you shrink the pattern? Love the pincushion :)
your bunny turned out beautifully and I think your pin cushion is gorgeous!! I haven't finished mine I must get a move on.
Loving your pincushion! Its really cheered me up - thank you! Yup, the same here with the house work, leave it till its looking really bad these days. Who has the time???
I've just found your gorgeous blog and love the goodies you've made too.
Off to have a look trough your blog...
The bunny looks great! Such gorgeous little baby goodies I've been seeing around blogland lately, enough to make one clucky! The pincushion really is gorgeous, couldn't be happier!
Oh boy, that is the sweetest little package for a baby! Well done. You are making such glorious stuff. Love the pincushion, lucky Sel.
The pincushion is great. Almost makes me want to start sewing. Thomas and Thomas's mummy would have been well stoked with that gift. You are so sorted for anyone that ever has a baby again. You should make up girl and boy baby gifts sets and put them on felt too....
Love the bunny! I adore putting together baby gifts. Yours is fabulous and will be much appreciated, I'm sure =)
I love that bunny , so cute !
loving your crafts :)
that pincushion is amazing Megan, can't see any mistakes here. And I really like the rabbit, very sweet, a lovely gift x Joanna
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